
our musical community

Western North Carolina, or WNC as we know it, is known to be about the Arts. And the barbershop presence is strong here, but more so when in concert (yep, that's a pun!) with our other musical friends.

On the web pages in this section, learn more about our Sponsors, who time and time again, help fund the Arts in WNC, and specifically help keep our chorus strong and in song.

Our Philanthropy is ever-growing, and we are reaching out more to the High Schools these days. 

Our Friends...those in the arts we are closely tied to... are listed here. There are so many more we can mention, but time and space are the limiting factor. Know that all efforts to bring music into the lives of others is a worthy purpose.

We are part of the Carolinas District of BHS, and of course, the Barbershop Harmony Society. We meet in a variety of configurations and opportunities with our felloow singers throughout the year.

Contact us if you'd like to be included in our sponsorship or advertising-we'd love to have you! And thank you! Click through to see more about what we're up to!

Copyright © 2025 Land of the Sky Chorus